Tax Law
We represent our clients in tax court proceedings and out-of-court tax disputes, provide defence in criminal tax proceedings and advise on tax structuring. The former President of the Saarland Fiscal Court, Prof. Dr Bilsdorfer, is a proven expert in the field of tax law.
Prof. Dr. Peter Bilsdorfer Lawyer / Former President of the Fiscal Court
Focus areas
Career trajectory
- Studied law at the University of Saarland
- 1978 Worked in the senior civil service of the tax authorities
- 1984 Judge at the Saarland Fiscal Court
- 1994 Lecturer at the Faculty of Law at Saarland University
- 1996 Doctorate (Dr. jur.) on a tax topic
- 2007 Vice President of the Saarland Fiscal Court
- 2008 Appointment as honorary professor at Saarland University
- 2013 President of the Fiscal Court of the Saarland
- Working as a tax lawyer since March 2017
- Part-time journalist (mainly on tax issues) for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Welt am Sonntag, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Saarbrücker Zeitung, among others;
- Wikipedia
- Handbook for criminal tax and fine proceedings, Verlag Neue Wirtschafts-Briefe 1988
- AO-Taschenbuch (Tax Code), Law. Decrees. Case law. Explanations, NWB Verlag 1999
- Die Informationsquellen und -wege der Finanzverwaltung, Verlag Erich Schmidt, 8th edition 2009
- Steueramnestie - was tun?, Verlag Wirtschaft, Recht u. Steuern 1989 (together with Geckle/Neufang)
- Der Steuerberater im Steuerstrafverfahren, Haufe 1993 (together with Weyand)
- Handbuch des steuerlichen Einspruchsverfahrens, Verlag Erich Schmidt, 2nd ed. 2008 (together with Morsch/Schwarz)
- How do I conduct tax court proceedings? Preliminary legal protection - filing a lawsuit - trial - appeal, Erich Schmidt Verlag, 8th ed. 2016 (together with Schwarz/Hardenbicker/Morsch)
- The arm's length tax comparison for agreements between related parties, Verlag Erich Schmidt 1996
- No fear of the tax office, dtv 2000 (together with Weyand)
- Steuerrecht, eine Einführung für Juristen und Ökonomen, Verlag Erich Schmidt, 4th edition 2001 (together with Dölfel/Weimann)
- Numerous articles in professional journals (a selection can be found here)